My then 2 year old at a Niner's game

My then 2 year old at a Niner's game
Niners Baby

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Library Thing

If you own a fair number of books or are interested in books, this is a must see website. It's almost as good as going to the bookstore and browsing, except you don't end up walking out with a handful of books you "just happened to find". I like that there are reviews by other members to give you a better idea about what a particular book may really be about. It makes it easier to make a wish list of new books. The site's search engine is very useful since you can search by "tags" as well as, title,author, etc., making it easy to find related books to any subject. There are also discussion groups to participate in, which would be much easier to do online, than holding a group you have to attend in person.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

jigsaw picture

Love this site! This is a place to create many fun and unique projects. bighugelabs is going to become a regular place for me to visit and use.

Sunday, June 1, 2008


I found yet another site I really enjoy using and will find useful for teaching. I have added a few pocasts already, such as yoga and ab workouts that I can share and perform with my classes to give us something different to do in class and expose them to another type of fitness that they can do at home. This will be a great site for me to use and for my students to learn from!


When examining the technorati site I found differences in what i would find depending on where I looked for the inforamtion. This was great because it made me feel as though I could put in almost anything and still find what I was looking for.
What I found interesting about the popular page was that it almost resembled the bloglines page that I had set up for myself. I could be wrong this is all new to me, but I wonder if I could use this page instead of bloglines to find information on the same information. I realize that bloglines brings the information to me from one location, but this site also seems to have many of these same sites marked and it would be just as easy to click a link. Maybe I am wrong, I am still learning as I said but I will figure it all out soon.

YouTube video

I love youtube! I can watch videos here all day. I don't think that there is really anything I don't like about this site. I guess having to search through videos that aren't as pertinent can be annoying but sometimes interesting. At any rate I already use this in my class, I frequently show video clips to my classes that relate to what I am teaching at the time.
I chose a video on the new P.E. because I thought it was relavent to this class and the direction that P.E. seems to be going more and more lately. Technology is moving into every aspect of our lives, why not physical education as well?